Michael Kamerick



Michael Kamerick is the Director of Academic Research Systems in the Office of Academic and Administrative Information Systems at the University of California San Francisco and the Co-Director of Biomedical Informatics for the Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute at UCSF. Recently, he also acted as the Information Security Officer and Director of Enterprise Information Security for UCSF on an interim basis.

He has been active in the CTSA Informatics committee and has acted as the chair of the CTSA Research Data Repositories Working Group since the CTSA’s inception. In that role, he has given frequent talks on the issue of IT governance in Academic Medical Centers and the relationships between hospital IT and the research enterprise. He maintains an archive of governance documents on the CTSA wiki.

Prior to taking his current position, he was the Technology Director at the Carol Franck Buck Breast Care Center in the UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center. He has been an active participant in caBIG, EDRN, DOD BCRP, and the CTSA.

Mr. Kamerick is a 25 year veteran of the high technology industry in the San Francisco Bay Area who came to UCSF from private industry. He has held positions in software development, technical consulting, product management, enterprise consulting, and IT management at UC Berkeley, Sun Microsystems, WebLogic, Ventaso, Watermark Venture Partners, and mVortex Partners. He is a member of AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association), EDUCause, BRIITE (Biomedical Research Institution Information Technology Exchange), and the AAMC GIR (Group on Information Resources).